SuperMap iMobile 10i for Android New Features

Newly added features in history versions

Video map

  • Searching POI in the real scene is introduced .
  • Adds a new feature POI Avoiding to avoid points of interest in the same direction overlaying each other.
  • Walking navigation is added in the indoor navigation module.
  • Newly introduces AR arrows.
  • Specifying a pipe and then checking it are supported.
  • The new feature Real Scene Projection supports projecting words, videos, and image attributes.
  • Combining the AR technology, you can draw a visualized plane on a 3D map. iMobile can recognize and track images dynamically.
  • Objects in real life can be classified and detected instantly.
    • The new feature can recognize types and coordinates of targets and collect data intelligently.
    • Two recognition modes are provided: Aggregation Mode and Non-aggregation Mode.
    • The width and color of borders of the detecting rectangle can be customized and modified.
    • You can control to show or hide names and confidence coefficients of targets.
  • iMobile for Android can count targets, track targets, at the same time, extract their traces.
  • The new feature AI Video Flow can post a video to RTSP sever, and then iDesktop Java or any other customized player (like Easyplayer) which supports RTSP can play it.

Real-time data stream visualization

  • Adding an instant layer to render dynamic data instantly.
  • The new multi-terminal real-time data transfer function supports vector data, pictures, and video transmission.

Navigation by customized roads

  • Based on the original road network, you can draw new roads by GPS.
  • Roads you drew can be merged into the original road network automatically for navigation.
  • The result road network can be used in AR navigation.
  • Drawing road network manually to navigate is allowed.

Big data visualization

  • Up to 25 kinds of professional visualization tools like denisty maps, diagrams, and so on are provided.
  • Multiple visualization templates are introduced. Focus on diverse thematic maps, various ribbon templates are served.
  • You are allowed to create a heat map or a grid map based on given point datasets and parameter settings.
    • Two color modes are supported: RGB and HSB.
    • Give aggregation functions are provided: Average, Number, Maximum, Minimum, and Sum.
    • Grids in two shapes are severed: Quadrangle and Hexagon.

Cloud-terminal integration

  • Docking SuperMap iPortal, iMobile can manage private accounts, user groups, portal resource, and online map sources. iMobile supports to upload, download, and update data services.

iMobile Plotting and Situation Evolution

  • You can create kinds of situation evolution animation including attribute animations, blink animations, growing animation, rotation animations, scale animations, showing-hiding animations, and path animations.
    • You can play, pause, stop, and unset any animation.
    • Blink animation: the new feature supports to blink any animation as a frequency or times. You are allowed to specify the blinking color as well.
    • Path animation: you can set to curved path or broken path.
    • Rotation animation: it can rotate clockwise or anticlockwise.

Improved 3D Features

  • Object gland filtering in 3D scene.
  • Offline package download, support multi-tasking download, breakpoint continue download and token encryption data download.
  • Supported loading iServer online terrain image data through layer mode.
  • Supported tracking layer to set translation, rotation, and zoom for the model.
  • Supported loading day map service with token.
  • Plane scene supports sky box.
  • Optimized camera, camera flight, camera collision detection, etc.
  • Fixed an issue where opening a 3D scene with text, text not showing or showing as a black box.
  • AR module supports to drawing visualized plane, AR enhanced image, dynamic image recognition tracking and adding maker.
  • Support setting the flight site collection in route style.
  • The new flight arrival site event is triggered when the flight arrives at the site.
  • Support for setting clipping edge color.
  • Support for loading image data in webp format.
  • TIN terrain supports collision detection.
  • Optimized the sharpness of loaded image data and terrain image data loading performance.

Improved Map Features

  • The new feature Node Style can specify the color of the current node and set when the last node is moveable.
  • Introduces the map legend. You can customize the width, the number of columns, and the background color of a legend.
  • iMobile can clip CAD datasets and text datasets and perform Overlay Analysis on them.
  • The effect of map under the OpenGL mode is enhanced.
  • The center point is fixed during the whole procedure of zooming MapWorld.